Institutional Strengths
1. Commitment to Disaster Risk Reduction as an institutional mandate. DRR has evolved to be one of the core objects and missions of the organization.
2. Experience. The organization has over 15 years experience in the field. Over the time, PGVS has created a credible name for itself not only in the state but also in the country in the area of disaster management.
3. Manpower/ human resource in the field of disaster management
4. Credibility of the institution (over 15 years experience in this field) to catalyze diverse stakeholders to respond to disasters in the communities that we serve. It is for this reason that PGVS has been offering a lead role not only in Disaster Management but also in many other areas of its operation.
5. Recognition: The community, other NGOs, Government and donors recognize the organization's contribution in Disaster Management activities in the region.
6. Application of participatory methodology for teaching and learning from the community. The organization has been involved in capacity building for other NGOs to enable wider responses to disasters in Eastern UP. It has also been involved in direct intervention at the community level. In doing this, it has employed participatory methodologies.
7. Committed partnerships with OXFAM, Christian Aid, UN bodies and World bank, the government and the PRI institutions. This has been used to mobilize stakeholders and resources necessary for planning for mitigation, preparedness and response for flood disasters.
8. The organization has offered a critical link between the affected communities and the government and other aid agencies during floods, thereby offering a voice and an opportunity for the affected to be assisted. It has not failed to act and mobilize other stakeholders to act in reducing the agonies of the affected communities.
9. A committed, visionary, dynamic and experienced leadership that is ready and willing to embrace new ideas and ways of doing things.